Video: Man’s Life Mastery Blueprint – Living A Good Life

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Man’s Life Mastery Blueprint [Part 5] – Living A Good Life

Part 4: Video: Man’s Life Mastery Blueprint – Body Mastery

Life Mastery isn’t about making a lot of money, although it can include that. It isn’t about being successful in an enterprise, although it can be that. And, it isn’t about being famous, although fame can be a result of Life Mastery.

Life Mastery is about living a good life. What is a good life? A good life is a life of meaning. It is a life during which one creates more than he consumes. It is a life in which one provides more value to his fellow men than he expects to receive. It is a life during which one touches more people by caring for others than caring for himself. It is a life during which one achieves mastery in a chosen field in order to make major contributions to humanity.

You will have lived a good life if you leave a legacy that continues to positively influence others long after you are gone.

Having a good set of core values will ensure that even if you end up making a lot of money or you end up building a successful enterprise, or you end up being famous, you will enjoy a life of meaning while remaining humble, modest, kind and empathetic.

There are 6 major qualities that a man will have to develop in himself before he can say he has mastered his life. These qualities are:

  • Life’s purpose / Vision
  • Health
  • Productivity
  • Humanity
  • Culture
  • Spirituality

Having a Life’s Purpose or Vision means knowing where you are going in life. It means having a direction. As Brian Tracy says, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there.” It all starts with your vision.

Health. If you are not healthy you are not going to be living a Good Life. Health is a major requirement. To be healthy you have to master Nutrition, Movement, Sleep and Relaxation, Meditation or whatever method you use to slow down.

You also have to overcome stifling social standards that make you hold back when you feel you need to release your emotions. Having Emotions Release Rituals is directly tied to working towards achieving Authenticity. Being free to express yourself means being free to express your sadness, joy, laughter, anger, wonder, sorrow.

Productivity. Jim Rohn says, “If you don’t produce you won’t be happy.” If you don’t create and provide value to others you will not be living a life of meaning. It’s as simple as that.

Productivity is directly related to your Vocation or Calling or Life’s Task.

Your Vocation has to be in service of you and also in service of others:

Serve oneself: with Ambition, Creativity, and Enthusiasm, while achieving Mastery in your chosen field.

Serve others: by making a Contribution to the lives of others (by Giving back), Significance (the potential to positively influence more people), and Benevolence (the genuine desire to do good to others).

Humanity is characterized by the following virtues: Connectedness, Friendship, Care for parents and elders, Benefaction (conferring a benefit to others). All these virtues, contained in the virtue of Humanity, are vitally important for achieving a good balance between pure ambition and the necessity to live your life of service to others.

Culture is your heritage. Wherever you are in the world and wherever you come from, have you taken the time to record and help preserve the Customs and Traditions of your culture? Do you understand the rituals of your culture? Do you know what

Do you know what Rites of Passage have traditionally been used in your culture to help young men transition into manhood? If you don’t, you should not be surprised if your heritage is lost one day. And, your heritage is a part of your identity – your uniqueness.

And, finally, Spirituality.

You don’t have to believe in God to be spiritual. You can cultivate a Belief in anything that gives you strength and Comfort. It could be science. It could be your mission. It could be anything you sincerely believe in.

Reflection, Ethics, and Awe are important components of Spirituality. Look deep inside, use morality for guidance, allow to be deeply moved, to be in awe with the wonders of Nature. Allow to feel alive.

– – –

This covers all four aspects of the Man’s Life Mastery blueprint. Once again, this blueprint is the culmination of my personal evolution and my understanding of what it means to live a life of meaning. I personally still have a lot of work to do in order to even feel that I’m confidently moving in the direction of Life Mastery.

I think the most important step any man can take is to pledge to avoid at all cost a life of mediocrity and mere existence, and to commit instead to living a life of meaning – a life in service of himself and others, to commit to a life spent in pursuit of objectives bigger than he is.

In the words of Jim Rohn:

“Let others live small lives, but not you!”

I’ll leave you with this timeless wisdom of George Bernard Shaw:

“This is the true joy in life – that being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one. That being a force of nature, instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you
happy. I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die. For the harder I work the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake.
Life is no brief candle to me. It’s a sort of splendid torch which I’ve got to hold up for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.”

Man’s Life Mastery Blueprint

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