Are You Questioning Everything You Once Knew About Yourself?

Many driven individuals go through a dark phase where they must completely redefine themselves.

It’s not an easy phase to go through – I’ll be the first to acknowledge that.

It’s a phase of confusion that feels almost dysfunctional.

Where there was certainty, security, and confidence before, now there are doubts.

And questions. LOTS OF QUESTIONS!


You are questioning who you are, your accomplishments, your values, your standards, your priorities, your purpose, your mission.

But no answers.

It feels like with each step you take you are less certain about who you are and what you know to be true.

It’s as if you are looking down a long dark tunnel with only a few dim lights and no end in sight.

Only… there IS an end.

And on the other side, you find:

Profound Clarity. You know who you are, where you are going, what you stand for, and what is important to you (and what is not).

Grounded Confidence. Your confidence comes from deep within (no longer from achievements, accolades, status, power, or the opinions of others).

Unquestionable Certainty. You stand firmly grounded in your core-level Truths and Wisdom (a solid foundation for all your choices and decisions).

Clear Sense of Direction and Purpose. Your Heart and your Path are in alignment. You are firmly grounded in your Authentic Expression.

Inner peace. You make peace with your story, with your past, with all the emotional wounds you have.

If you are ready to start the journey, I can show you the way.

How coaching with me works:

We meet one-on-one for 12 weeks:

12 x 60-min sessions

You have direct access to me any time by phone and messaging

$6000. Payment plans available

Client Testimonials

“I feel like a different person and actually I AM a different person, moving towards my goals with more confidence, knowing and feeling that everything is possible, with a sense of purpose, empowered, enjoying the journey, and most of all, liberated and FREE.”
testimonial photo
"Before crossing paths with Ivan, I found myself in a stagnant state, feeling stuck and adrift in life. I've been working with Ivan for a while now. I feel more confident, passionate, and purpose-driven. My business life has improved tremendously and my relationship has also benefited."
Coaching Client
“He is a master at gentle tough love with results-oriented mindset. How he was able to gently yet firmly shift me after I had tried everything including a Tony Robbins coach, I don't know. He coaches from the heart and got me in touch with mine and got me to act on my true purpose in life.”
testimonial photo - Rahul