
Hi. I'm Ivan...

The short version… I am a Mindset and Transformation Coach.

I have extensive training and practice in directing mindset upgrades and radical transformation in others. I have worked as a Senior Community Manager at Mindvalley, and my diverse background includes a baker, a fitness trainer, and a firearms instructor.

I have developed a high level of skill and mastery in inspiring a mindset for purposeful living, fulfillment, and inner peace.

I am employing my skills where they can serve best – in the current lives of individuals who have always known deep inside that they are here to make a massive difference in the lives of others and the world.

Currently, I live in Málaga, Spain, with my wife Nataliya and my son Constantin.

The Deep Dive...

Who is Ivan?

I am just a man on a journey to free myself from the bondage of cultural conditioning, race consciousness, herd mentality, and early childhood trauma and conditioning.

I was born and grew up in Bulgaria. The first 16 years of my life – in Communism. I immigrated to the United States in 2002 when I was 28. I spent 16 years in the States in Tampa, Florida, and Austin, Texas. I became a US citizen in 2015.

In 2018 I left the States for what I thought was going to be a few months of sabbatical. I ended up in Europe and shortly after that in Malaysia where I spend almost 2 years, working for an amazing company called Mindvalley.

I met my current wife at Mindvalley. We then moved back to Europe, where we had our first child.

What do I do?

I am in the business of human upgrades. I connect people with their inner sources of power. And, I help them liberate themselves from the Self that lives in constructs of insecurity, inadequacy, and scarcity.

Embodied Energy

Acceptance and Commitment. I am totally at peace with what is while remaining fully committed to living an extraordinary life.

My Purpose

My only purpose is to experience life profoundly. At the highest level, however, my true purpose in life is to transcend current limitations and to attain higher levels of Consciousness. I would argue that at your highest level – beyond your human purpose – this is your ultimate purpose, too.

My Mission

To help liberate millions from the prisons of their own minds.

Fields of Mastery

Master of Science in Industrial Management
ABNLP Certified NLP Master Coach
ABNLP Hypnotherapy Certification
ABNLP Applied NLP in Business Communication Certification
Mindvalley Certified Facilitator
SOMA Awakening Breathwork Instructor
Handgun Instructor
Bodybuilding Instructor
MovNat Natural Movement Level 1 Instructor

My Passions

Morning coffee and reflection
Creating and delivering highly-transformational content
Deep conversations and connections 1:1
Quality time with my Queen and my son Constantin
Kizomba dance
Physical exercise (progressive calisthenics)
Dark chocolate, handcrafted coffee, micro- and nano-brewery handcrafted beer, red wine, good cheese, once in a while shisha

My Simple Message

You are far more than you think!


Much love and peace –
