Lots of Questions but No Answers?

Are you questioning who you are? Your accomplishments? Your values and priorities? Your purpose and mission?

Or perhaps you find you are repeating the same self-sabotaging patterns over and over?

I am 100 percent confident I can help you with either or both sets of challenges.


How transformation with me looks like...

We start with Freedom Week:

We will dissolve your biggest unconscious negative programs in just one week. These are the reasons for self-sabotage in your work, relationships, and well-being.

We will also tackle your biggest questions about where you are coming from and where you are going.

Starting with Freedom Week is mandatory.

If we both think that you will benefit from additional work together, we can discuss working together 1-1 for 3 additional months.

Find out more about Freedom Week here.

Or request a 15-minute Consultation Call to find out if – and how – I can help you with your biggest current challenges.

Client Testimonials

“I feel like a different person and actually I AM a different person, moving towards my goals with more confidence, knowing and feeling that everything is possible, with a sense of purpose, empowered, enjoying the journey, and most of all, liberated and FREE.”
testimonial photo
"Before crossing paths with Ivan, I found myself in a stagnant state, feeling stuck and adrift in life. I've been working with Ivan for a while now. I feel more confident, passionate, and purpose-driven. My business life has improved tremendously and my relationship has also benefited."
Coaching Client
“He is a master at gentle tough love with results-oriented mindset. How he was able to gently yet firmly shift me after I had tried everything including a Tony Robbins coach, I don't know. He coaches from the heart and got me in touch with mine and got me to act on my true purpose in life.”
testimonial photo - Rahul