Quadriceps Exercises

Here you will find a list of the most used and effective quads exercises:

Leg Press
Hack Squats
Leg Extensions
Dumbbell Step Ups


Works: Quadriceps

How to do it: Get a wide grip on a bar that is on a rack and step underneath it. Place the bar right in the middle of your shoulders (trapezius muscle) for good balance. Lift the bar off the rack and step back carefully. Keep your body straight, your chin up, your chest out, and your feet at shoulder width with the toes pointed slightly out. Begin lowering your body while still keeping your back straight. Once you reach the lowest possible point, begin rising to starting position. Remember: Keep the heels on the floor throughout the rage of motion.

You can do this exercise with dumbbells instead.

Squats 1 Squats 2

Leg Press

Works: Quadriceps

How to do it: Sit on the seat of the leg press machine and position your feet in the middle of the weights platform with the toes slightly pointing out. Release the weight and straighten your legs completely. Begin lowering the weight till your quads almost touch your chest. At that point start pushing back up to starting position.

Leg Press 1 Leg Press 2

Hack Squats

Works: Quadriceps

How to do it: Lean your back on the back pad of the hack machine and place your shoulders underneath the shoulder pads. Your feet should be in the middle of the platform with your toes slightly pointed out. Release the weight and straighten your legs completely before you begin descending. Lower your body while keeping your back straight on the pad and your chin up. Go all the way down with a slow and controlled movement and then push back up to starting position. If you feel any tension in your knees don’t go further then your thighs being parallel to the platform.

Hack Squats 1 Hack Squats 2

Leg Extensions

Works: Quadriceps

How to do it: Sit at the leg extension machine and stick your ankles behind the rolling pads. Hold the handles firmly. Start extending your legs till they become completely straight. Hold there for a moment and squeeze for a peak contraction. Go back to starting position with a controlled slow movement.

Leg Extensions 1 Leg Extensions 2


Works: Quadriceps

How to do it: Hold a bar across your shoulders as if you are going to do squats. Stay straight with your feet slightly apart and your head up. Make a step forward with one leg. Start lowering your body till the knee of your rear leg almost touches the floor close to the heel of the leading leg. Push yourself back up with your back still straight and your head up. Put your foot back for starting position and repeat the same movement with the other leg.

Alternatively, you can do the same exercise with dumbbells in your hands.

Lunges 1 Lunges 2

Dumbbell Step Ups

Works: Quadriceps

How to do it: Stand behind a bench with a pair of dumbbells in your hands. Place one of your legs squarely on the bench and climb up. Step with your rear leg next to the front leg on the bench. Climb back down on the floor in starting position following the order rear leg first, front leg second. Do a set with one leg and then switch legs to train the other.

Dumbbell Step Ups 1 Dumbbell Step Ups 2