Below you will find a link to the Running Fast and Injury Free e-book by Gordon Pirie – a British runner, competitive professional athlete and trainer from the mid and last part of the last century. The book was edited by Dr John S Gilbody.
This short (60 pages) e-book is a highly recommended reading! I’ve read and re-read it several times. I’ve used it to correct my running technique many, many years ago.. And, I’m glad that I did. I have not suffered any traumas, related to running itself since I’ve implemented the teachings in this book.
“Running Fast and Injury Free” by Gordon Pirie simply is a classic and I am saddened that it has not gained more popularity!
Use this book if you:
- want to learn what is the most proper way anatomically for humans to run
- want to enjoy being able to run and avoid injuries for as long as you desire to continue practice running – one of the most innate human movement abilities
- become better at running – become faster while expending less energy (become more efficient)
- want to be (or already are) a competitive runner – all kinds of distances
- want to know where the main problems come from in the technique of runners today (casual and competitive)
- want to learn how to select the right running shoes (and avoid the many bad ones)
There are two ways to access the PDF file: 1) click on the image below, the PDF e-book will load and you can read on your computer; or 2) right-click on the image and select “Save link as..” to save to your computer.