There are three kinds of people
Genuinely unhappy people
Overtly happy people – but internally unhappy
Genuinely happy people
1 – Genuinely unhappy people
Life happens to them. They react to their circumstances. They blame others and life.
Nothing wrong with this. It’s a life stage. We’ve all been there for however short or long.
2 – Overtly happy people (but secretly unhappy)
This is the biggest group. I know because I’ve talked to many people personally (over 250 people in all-walls-down intimate conversations). And because I was there for decades.
These people create an external image of “all is fine here”. But internally they struggle a lot.
They are exhausted from their internal overwhelming unhappiness. But even more so – of the daily leakage of life energy from constantly concealing their unhappiness from the world.
This group’s main source of unhappiness is their inability to accept life scenarios different than what they imagine. In other words, their happiness depends on them getting what they want (or getting rid of what they don’t want).
And since they never have what they want (but for more than a minute) they are constantly living in wanting. They are perpetually internally unhappy and unfulfilled.
3 – Genuinely happy people
This is the smallest group. These people have disconnected their happiness from anything external.
They’ve recognized that happiness is who and what they are beneath all the conditioned layers.
They usually get what they want. And if they don’t – they still get what they want.
The last sentence takes unpacking, and in that – holds a big gift. We all want someone to give us the answers, the recipe.
But… for the biggest life questions – you’ll have to go there alone – experientially. Intellectual knowledge will never give you life’s answers.
Which group are you in? Honestly? It’s for you. No group is right or wrong. We are all travelers on that journey.