Home Gym Circuit Training Routines

We all know how difficult it might be to make it to the gym after 9 long hours at work. I bet it has happened to you not once or twice. But what do you do when you don’t feel you have the energy to stop by the local gym on your way home? Or […]

High Intensity Interval Training and Natural Bodybuilding

It was about six or seven years a go when I first read about High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT for short). Being a natural bodybuilder I immediately new this is something that I should be doing. I gave it a try and since then I haven’t performed a single conventional regular cardio workout. So, what […]

Advanced 3-day Split, 4 days Cycle

With this advanced 3-day split you will be training either 5 or 6 days a week. The cycle will be 4 days (you will be completing each body part once every 4 days). The Advanced 3-day Split, 4 days Cycle is for you if you know you recover fast; are not engaged very actively with […]

Advanced 3-day Split, 5 days Cycle

If you choose to use this advanced training routine you will be training one muscle group every 5 days. You will be doing only three workouts for these 5 days. Each week you will have either 4 or 5 training days. You will be recovering faster since you will be having two days off every […]

Advanced 4-day Split, 5 days cicle

With this advanced training routine you will be repeating each muscle group once every 5 days (excluding abs). You will be working out either 6 or 5 days a week total. Advanced 4-day Split, 5 days Cycle routine is for you if you like going to the gym almost every day but still need more […]

Intermediate 4-days a week Two-day Split Routine

In this intermediate workout you will repeat each muscle group twice a week. It is the hardest, compared to the other two intermediate workouts. What makes it harder then the rest of them is the fact that you will have to go to the gym four times a week. You can use this one if […]

Intermediate 3-days-workout Two-day Split Routine

If you have at least three-month experience with novice circuit training routines, then you can pass in to the intermediate level. At this point you should implement split routines in your workout schedule. This two-day split routine is a good one if you started with weights recently or if you can’t devote more then three […]

Intermediate 3-days/w Three-day Split Routine

This routine might be for you if you practice other physical activities for recreation or competitively. Here you train each muscle group only once a week, thus giving it enough time to recover until the next time you do the same muscle group. Intermediate Three-day Split Routine I might also be for you if you […]