It’s ok to have needs.
It’s ok to set healthy boundaries.
It’s ok to mess up and make mistakes.
It’s ok to not be liked by others.
It’s ok for others to feel challenged around you.
It’s ok if others feel you’ll be more successful than them and for them to want to “protect you” (keep you at their level).
It’s ok to walk in the opposite direction of where the Level 4 people (group thinking mentality) are going.
It’s ok to be criticized by many.It’s ok for others to vehemently disagree with you.
It’s ok to express freely in an ethical and peaceful way.
It’s ok to interrupt patterns and challenge the hardened conditioned thinking of others.
It’s ok to not know “your big purpose” and instead to conduct yourself in accordance with your inner compass.
It’s ok to be different in an ocean of conformity and sameness.
It’s ok to be a normal and imperfect human being.
It’s ok to be a self-directed, independent-thinking individual.
It’s ok for you to be you.