How we create our reality

The 3-step reality creation formula [this is all of it!]

It took me 50 years to finally understand why we sometimes get what we want, and most of the time – we don’t.

(This is how confident I am about what I’ll share below… If I don’t ever write another post/newsletter and this is the last one ever – I feel complete)

Deliberately causing an outcome you want boils down to just 3 things (2 and 3 are what makes or breaks it for all of us):

Step 1 — Have a vision

Important: Your vision must be in service of you AND others, not self-serving.

The reason is that the fabric of creation is inclusive, not exclusive. It does not understand self-serving motives.

Important 2: The mind is a goal-achieving machine. It needs a clear goal.

Step 2 — Identify and remove your resistance to your vision

Important: What you consciously want has little to no meaning. What you will experience is what you subconsciously feel you deserve.

Simply put, you must get your subconscious mind on board by 1) installing your vision in your subconscious program, and 2) removing the limiting beliefs to what you want to create.

Both are critical. Just one or the other won’t work.

Step 3 — Live FROM your vision

Important: (You must understand this part!) Time-space is a mental construct. It does not exist beyond our individual minds.

What this means is, there’s no past and future. Only a perpetual present moment.


A. Thoughts are an electrical field. Feelings and emotions are a magnetic field. What eventually emerges as your tangible outcomes corresponds to this electromagnetic field.

In short, the right action that leads to the desired tangible outcomes emerges in response to your thoughts AND emotions, not thoughts only.


B. (the critical part) Since there’s only a perpetual present moment, the fabric of creation only responds to present thought-feeling states, not how you want to feel in the future when you get what you want!

If you NOW feel that you don’t have what you want – that’s what gets perpetually created!

This is why you must (must!) live in the present as if what you want is already in your reality!

This is all of it.

Unpack this and you’ll be unstoppable!