I believe that each one of us shows up in this physical experience with default Universal Factory settings that if put in a Universal User Manual would read…
“This spiritual being that’s now been invited to have a human experience comes fully equipped, capable of, ready, and absolutely deserving to experience the following:
– Massive success
– Abundance of health, wealth, deep connections
– Epic experiences- Love
– Flow
– Ease
Fair warning: This spiritual being is so capable by way of Universal Factory settings that it is fully equipped and capable of also *choosing* to experience the following:
– Acquired massive amnesia
– Profound delusion
Which can lead to the following experiences…
– Lack- Limitation
– Resistance
– Unease
– Loneliness
– Doubt
– Fear
This spiritual being is so well-programmed by Universal Factory settings that it can also – at any time and point in the journey – choose a path of gradual at first but later significant and then profound remembrance of the following Universal Factory settings:
“You are always Universally supported – ALWAYS
And, you will, by all means, succeed… in whatever you choose your guiding belief about yourself to be
And, by Universal account, you are already a wild success in whatever you are experiencing right now
Because that was your choice of guiding personal self-beliefs
And, by Universal Factory settings…
You can always make a different choice…
And, have an entirely different experience
If you choose to REMEMBER who and what you are by way of default Universal Factory settings
You are loved and supported.”