Video: The two absolutely critical types of strength

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What does your workout look like? Do you train in the gym only? Do you only use machines, some barbells, and dumbbells, or do you incorporate different bodyweight exercises as well?

This video basically contains the wisdom about strength training that took me 27 years to get to.

I used to train in the gym only with weights and machines.

Then I used to only do bodyweight exercises.

And, finally, I understood that both of them are important – because each one builds a different type of strength.

I’m talking about Absolute strength and Relative strength!

And, they both are critically important.

If you don’t care about life’s challenges and only want to be good at the gym – that is one hour a day – and be mediocre 23 hours a day then the information in this video is not for you.

If you, on the other hand, are interested in being a well-prepared male who can successfully handle challenges that life presents all of us with then you must, I repeat, you must pay attention to bot Absolute and Relative strength.

I invite you to seriously consider what I talk about in this video and find ways to incorporate expressions of both types of strength in your workout.

If you do one day (if not right away) you will know that I was right and you did the right thing early.

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