How to handle a NO

how to handle a NO

One of the biggest fears is the fear of getting a NO. Getting a NO feels like rejection. It feels like another piece of evidence that “I’m not good enough”. The irony is that pretty much our entire lives are made of NOs. It’s the nature of life. If the energy (thoughts, feelings) around getting […]

My default setting was “struggle”

None of the following is wrong… Excessive self-doubt Lack of direction, confusion Deteriorating relationships Negative money patterns Lack of fulfillment in life Consistent self-sabotage Again, none of this is wrong. It’s just not useful to live a life that’s afflicted by one or more of the above (usually more than one). The good news is […]

The ONE (unexpected) mindset shift that will change your life trajectory today

“If you keep doing what you’ve always done you’ll keep getting the results you’ve always gotten” If you take this statement literally (as I used to) you will get stuck in a loop of repeating more of the same past. This statement, taken literally WILL produce exactly what it is aiming to prevent. First, who […]

10 lessons from “surviving” (many of) my inadequacies

I am talking to those who are like me… These people have always known deep inside that they were born for bigger things. But, just like me not long ago, they find themselves playing small, knowing painfully well that they have thus far seriously under-utilized their big potential. And, they feel this high pressure on […]

Your limited YOU and your real YOU

Who and what you know as YOU is not who you truly are

Who and what you know as YOU is not who you truly are. Let me explain… You have a body and a mind (don’t lose me here!). Your body was created at conception. That’ your vehicle, your equipment. Think of it as the computer – the hardware. Your mind is a container that was empty […]

How to break the pattern of repeating the same limited past over and over again

Break the pattern of repeating the same limited past

I sincerely believe that the text that follows bears the potential to radically and permanently change your understanding of how Creation works and how life can be designed purposefully and intentionally rather than “followed” reactionally. First, I want to help you understand why most people tend to repeat their past with very little or no […]

The difference between Shame and Guilt

Shame and Guilt are the lowest frequencies a human being can experience, lower even than fear and anger. Shame and Guilt are painfully familiar to me as they are to many… maybe to you as well. Shame and Guilt felt almost indistinguishable to me for the longest time. That is until I understood how they […]