Charred Meat Carcinogenic?

I am not going to uncover a great secret if I say that athletes (bodybuilders even more) rely more on meat to cover their high needs for proteins. And it’s not a great secret that the most delicious way to cook steak or chicken, or even fish is to grill them.

But then the issue about carcinogens arises…

I don’t know about you, but nowadays I make sure I never burn my meat any more. And if do by chance, I cut out the charred part… fast.

Why is this important? Why you MUST make sure that you don’t char your meat?

Did you know that when the temperature of the grill or pan is too high and the meat chars, the charred part actually contains carcinogens (cancer causing agents). Such carcinogens are the so called heterocyclic amines or HCAs.

Another carcinogen that’s formed from the high temperature is polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbones or PAHs. These form when the fat from the meat melts and burns. The gas from the burned fat contains PAHs, which penetrate in the outer layers of the meat.

So, how do you avoid eating carcinogenic meats?

Here are a few things you can do:

* Pre-cook your meats in the microwave oven first. The meat will require less cooking on the grill or barbecue.

* If you are going to use a grill, you are better off using a gas grill than a coal grill. The gas grill creates lower temperatures. Your meats won’t burn as much.

* Make sure your meats are lean or if they are not, make sure you trim out the visible fat, so there is not a lot to drip and burn.

* Tenderize your meats before cooking. The tenderizers contain acids, which may reduce HCAs by 90%. Vinegar or lemon juice are perfect for tenderizing, too.

You know, you can have your steak and eat it, too… In fact, if you have steak make sure you eat it! Just be smart about how you cook it.


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