This is what self-sabotage is

Ivan fading away

Chances are good that the thought you are having right now – right NOW – is disempowering you and is moving you farther away from what you want. And you have that kind of thought most of the time every single day. That’s basically what self-sabotage is. What kind of thoughts are these? Any of […]

How to handle a NO

how to handle a NO

One of the biggest fears is the fear of getting a NO. Getting a NO feels like rejection. It feels like another piece of evidence that “I’m not good enough”. The irony is that pretty much our entire lives are made of NOs. It’s the nature of life. If the energy (thoughts, feelings) around getting […]

The ONE (unexpected) mindset shift that will change your life trajectory today

“If you keep doing what you’ve always done you’ll keep getting the results you’ve always gotten” If you take this statement literally (as I used to) you will get stuck in a loop of repeating more of the same past. This statement, taken literally WILL produce exactly what it is aiming to prevent. First, who […]

COMMITTED energy vs ATTACHED energy

Big words but… I strongly believe that if you took a moment and really considered how this feels in your body, the way you show up for the things you truly want and the people you truly want in your life will never be the same! COMMITTED energy vs ATTACHED energy I heard this in […]

The difference between Shame and Guilt

Shame and Guilt are the lowest frequencies a human being can experience, lower even than fear and anger. Shame and Guilt are painfully familiar to me as they are to many… maybe to you as well. Shame and Guilt felt almost indistinguishable to me for the longest time. That is until I understood how they […]

It’s Impossible to Be Fit in Your 40’s

It’s very difficult to look awesome and be fit in your 40’s and 50’s! If you believe that then that’s your truth. If you CHOOSE to believe something else then that’s your truth. And, whatever your truth (your subconscious belief) – that’s your reality, too! Here’s why you might be believing that: – You are […]

The 3 Statements Used By People Who Are Stuck!

The 3 statements most often used by people who are stuck… (I used to use these statements myself… and of course, I was stuck – big-time!)

Fasten your belts, ladies, and gents!!

Here’s How “The Law Of Attraction” Doesn’t Work!

Here’s a story for you! This is how most people apply the Law of Attraction… Imagine a 10-story building. Most people are looking the outside from the first floor. Their view is very limited – they don’t see the horizon…