Life should be “my” way

“Life (and people) should be this way.” There’s a lot of resistance and suffering embedded in the essence of this statement. “This is how it is – and it’s okay.” There’s true freedom and inner peace in this statement. Unfortunately, most people live their entire lives by the former… unconsciously, and not knowing that this […]

5 Truths About Perfectionism

Perfectionism is a compensation mechanism for not-enoughness (I’m not good enough) Perfectionism is a procrastination tactic Perfectionism is fueled by fear (of judgment, rejection) Perfectionism is an illusion (Nothing is static. Everything changes all the time. Therefore nothing can be perfect. It’s a physics law.) Perfectionism keeps you playing small Let’s get some things clear […]

The BIG 5 of allowing things to happen almost effortlessly

I was thinking today about the times in my life when I wanted something substantial, or I had a big goal, and it happened almost effortlessly. The times when things happened this effortless way are far less in my life than the times when… things I wanted didn’t happen, or things I wanted did happen, […]

This is exactly why you want to be different

A reminder about how deeply affected we are by the fear of rejection, the fear of not being accepted… I recently had a coaching conversation with an amazing individual. She said, “If I am different then they’ll judge me for being different, for not being like them.” I said that’s exactly why you want to […]

Mission 1K: 1,000 Complimentary Coaching Sessions in 500 Days

[This is long. And, it’s a journal of sorts – for my own clarity and fear alchemy reasons] What I’m about to post below is very scary for me.. Because once I hit the “post” button there’s no way back! Here we go . . . A Mission that scares the heavens out of me: […]

The biggest work in your lifetime

If you are in the role of powerfully influencing others (a coach, mentor, guide, intuitive)… The biggest work in your lifetime will be to learn to TAME YOUR EGO. It will be to learn to… Not interrupt others as they speak – and be fully complete and enough. Listen in full presence – and be […]

If that’s the price I have to pay

“Ivan, you should keep your page focused on one topic. Otherwise, you are confusing people about what you are about!” Me: I’m not really interested in following marketing rules. I’m interested in expressing myself exactly how I want to express myself. “But you know, people who are doing this well usually keep their pages and […]